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Monday, 30 November 2015


This week we are thinking about different seasons.  At the moment, we are between Autumn and Winter.  As part of their homework, 1.1 were asked to find signs that we have just had Autumn.  they brought these into school to show the class.

Eshal, Cole and Jackson brought in some lovely Autumn leaves.  They had noticed how the leaves had changed from green to brown.

Ammar and Medinah collected a bag full of Autumn leaves and sticks each.  They told us where they had found them and talked about the autumn colours.

Amelie brought in some flowers from her garden.  She explained that in the summer these were oink but now it is Autumn, they had turned brown.

Alfie and Fatima made some beautiful Autumn pictures.  Fatima told us how she had collected the leaves and had to dry them out on the radiator before sticking them onto her picture.

The children are looking forward to learning more about the seasons this week.


In PE today we thought about different shapes that we can make with our bodies.

We started with a warm-up to get our hearts beating faster.  

Then we thought of different shapes that our bodies can make and we shared these with a partner.

After that we learned how to make our bodies into a pencil, a tuck, a dish, an arch and a bridge shape.

Finally we practised our pencil rolls.  We realised that when doing a pencil roll, we move our body into a pencil, an arch and a dish position.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Spelling Stars!

Wow!  This week we had our best ever spelling results. 19 children got all of their spellings right.

Well done to:

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Guided Reading

This week we have enjoyed reading The Ugly Duckling.  First, we predicted what might happen in the story and talked about the characters on the front cover of the book.

Then we shared the story together as a class.

Yesterday we worked with our partner to read the book together.  We also answered some comprehension questions about the story.

Can you remember the answers to these questions?

- How many eggs were there at the beginning of the story?
- Why was the sixth egg different?
- What did the other birds call the duckling?
- How did the Ugly Duckling feel?
- What happened to the Ugly Duckling?
- What was his new name?
- How did he feel at the end of the story?  Why?


For the last two weeks, 1.1 have been learning about the story of The Three Little Pigs.  They have been thinking very carefully about the characters, especially the Big Bad Wolf.  On Tuesday they had a big shock!  The Big Bad Wolf came into their classroom and sat in Miss Bowkett's chair.  He was very frightening and, as Aiden said, "he had a deep, scary voice."

The children were all very sensible though and some of them were even brave enough to ask him some questions.

Abid asked him "How are you feeling?"

Maddie asked him "What do you look like?"

Ismah asked him "Why did you blow the houses down?"

And Ammar had a very good question - "What are you doing in our classroom?"

Even though he wasn't very nice, The Big Bad Wolf did answer all of our questions and we were able to gather some interesting information from him.

Now we are going to write a detailed character description and see how many amazing adjectives we can include.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Health Caravan

This morning we were very lucky as we were the first class to go into the Health caravan.

First we learned about different food groups and why they are all important to our bodies.  We talked about some big words - carbohydrates, proteins and dairy.

Then we learned about different parts of our bodies.

We met Harold the Giraffe and helped him out as he was trying to make sure he had a healthy lunchbox.

We all looked after a baby animal for Harold.  We taught the animals about why sleeping is important to our bodies.

We were very sad to say goodbye to Harold!