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Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Christmas Cards

We made some lovely snowman Christmas cards.

First we used a sponge to print our snowman shape.  Then we used a paintbrush to paint the snow.

After that we cut out pieces of material to make the snowman's hat and scarf.  We also added buttons and a face to our snowman.

We are very proud of our Christmas cards and are looking forward to sharing them with our families and friends.

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Making Calendars

This week we have worked very hard to make our calendars.

First we used a cotton bud to paint a rainbow.  We used tiny dots to make our paintings look more effective.

When the paint was dry, we stuck cotton wool onto the clouds to make them lovely and fluffy.

We then stuck them onto black card and added the calendar tabs.  We think they look amazing and can't wait to take them home!

Monday, 14 December 2015

Spelling Stars

Well done to these children who got all of their spellings right today:


Sunday, 13 December 2015

Finished Artwork.

Year One have worked very hard with artist Karen Osbourne over the past week.  They have created The Oval Tree of Life mural which is now on display in the front entrance.  Well done Year 1!

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Making cakes

This morning we all worked very hard to make some delicious chocolate cakes ready to sell them at the Christmas Fayre tomorrow.

Monday, 7 December 2015

Working with an Artist

We have been very lucky to work with Karen Osbourne, an artist, over the past few days.  She is working with children in Year One on a textile project to create a large mural of The Oval school tree.  Year One children have been making animals and insects to decorate the tree with.  We are looking forward to seeing the finished piece displayed in school.


In PE today we reminded ourselves of how to roll which we we worked very hard on last week.

 The we learned about rocking.  We had to make our body into a tiny shape and keep our knees pulled in tight then rock backwards and forwards on our backs.

Finally, Mr Simmons taught us how to do a safe forwards roll.