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Monday, 14 September 2015

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Last week in our English lessons we really enjoyed reading the story 'We're going on a Bear Hunt'.  This week we decided to go on our own Bear Hunt around school.  We linked our hunt to our Science lessons as we have been learning about our 5 senses.  We then described our hunt using our senses.

First we walked across the playground.  We listened very carefully and managed to hear the wind, an aeroplane, a train and a bird.  We then used our eyes and noticed that there was a cheeky seagull sat on the roof watching us!  Some of the children used their sense of touch to describe how the trees on the playground felt and a lot of us could smell the delicious school dinners coming from kitchen!

After that, our hunt led us to the back grass.  We could hear the children working in some of the classrooms and we could feel that the grass was softer and more slippy than the hard playground.  Some children noticed that there was a rug on the table.  They used their sense of touch to feel it.

After a lot of hunting, we finally managed to find a bear!

Miss Bowkett, Miss Roberts and Miss Taylor were very impressed with 1.1's work on the senses and wonder if anyone can answer this question?

Can you name all 5 senses?

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